BC: Trudeau doubles down on $5 billion gift to Montreal

Author: Jordan Bateman 2015/09/04

Yesterday, in a piece of naked political pandering to Quebec, Justin Trudeau announced that a Liberal government would axe the tolls on the Champlain Bridge in Montreal.

The pledge follows a similarly expensive and stupid promise by Tom Mulcair and the NDP.

The Champlain Bridge, being built by SNC Lavalin and set to open in 2018, connects two parts of Montreal.

The Conservative government is overseeing and financing the project, and plans to charge a toll to recoup the $5 billion cost.

But it is not a national highway, nor an international border crossing. Frankly, the federal government should have nothing to do with it.

Back in May 2014, the CTF made it clear that Prime Minister Harper and the federal government should walk away from the project all together. From our news release:

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) is calling on the Harper government to halt work on the Montreal Champlain Bridge replacement, after Quebec’s new government abandoned its support for tolls to finance the $5 billion local project.

Newly-elected Quebec premier Philippe Couillard last week refused Harper’s offer to turn the project over to Quebec. Quebec transport minister Robert Poëti said the Quebec Liberals’ 2011 agreement to support tolls no longer applies. Quebec’s provincial opposition parties are also solidly opposed to tolls.

Tom Mulcair, leader of the federal NDP Official Opposition and federal Liberal leader Justin Trudeau have lined up with Montreal Mayor Denis Coderre to demand Canadian taxpayers foot the bill for the massive local bridge project.

“The Prime Minister needs to stand up to this delusional demand from Quebec politicians for a $5 billion federal handout to build a local bridge in Montreal,” said CTF Federal Director Gregory Thomas. “It’s head-scratching enough that the federal government would be building a local bridge in the first place. Quebecers should be thanking Harper rather than spitting on his offer to build a toll bridge.”

“Politicians in Quebec are always lining up to defend Quebec’s provincial jurisdiction – they need to reread the constitution: roads and bridges are the responsibility of Quebec and Montreal, not Ottawa,” said Thomas. “The Prime Minister needs to halt work on this bridge until Canadians know who is going to pay for it all.”

The CTF rejects NDP leader Mulcair’s assertion that Canadian taxpayers should pay for the new bridge because the St. Lawrence River in Montreal is “an international waterway.”

“Somebody needs to give Mr. Mulcair a map,” said Thomas. “He and Mr. Trudeau are asking Canadian taxpayers to pay $5 billion to build a local bridge from one part of metro Montreal to another. Unless Quebec separates and the island of Montreal stays in Canada, this will never be an international bridge.”

The CTF is also calling on Mulcair to clarify his position that replacement bridges should not be subject to tolls.

“If Mr. Mulcair and the NDP want Canadian taxpayers to foot the bill for replacement bridges in every city, town and hamlet in Canada, he should also promise to buy the Port Mann Bridge and the Golden Ears Bridge in British Columbia for $4.5 billion, and eliminate the $6 daily tolls paid by Vancouver motorists,” said Thomas.

The $3.5 billion Port Mann Bridge in metro Vancouver, the world’s widest bridge, built with no federal taxpayer money, is financed entirely by toll revenue. Motorists pay $3 to drive each way across the bridge. The $1 billion Golden Ears Bridge is also financed entirely by tolls. The Port Mann Bridge replaced a free bridge built in 1964 and the Golden Earns Bridge replaced a free ferry service. British Columbia is planning to build a third toll bridge to replace the free George Massey tunnel, opened in 1959.

“Montreal motorists will pay nearly $2 billion in provincial and local Montreal gas taxes this year, and another half-billion dollars in diesel tax.” said Thomas. “Yet, Quebec and Montreal politicians say there’s no money to build a bridge.”

“Maybe there’s no money to build the new Champlain Bridge because all the gas tax money went into the pockets of the mob, and into the pockets of politicians in Quebec and Montreal,” said Thomas.



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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
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